ROBERT MAXWELL 26, 519.5" 151 lbs, from Kansas City Mo, he now resides in Venice California. His background Includes ranching, steel foundry work, dancing, and teaching, He wants a career in the theatre. Bob does no weight training but is very fond of gymnastles. 3 dozen other poses of him illustrated on pages 12, 13 and 14 of AMG catalog XU13 (45 cents). Also over 50 duals with his buddy and gym partner Danny Flores ore Illustrated on pages 13, 14, 15 and 16 of of XX13 (60 cents).
RICHARD FUCCI 22 (has the same birthday as PP's editor March 27). Dick comes from Nework New Jersey,
is 5 ft 7 wolghts 157 lbs. Has had no formal physique training, his bulld comes entirely from hoving. chosen the right parents and doing hard work. We offered this model to Sparton who sent him away when he came for his oppointment because he falled to have his face shoven.. This is AMG photo XG-8-L. Additional photos on pages 20 and 21 of XG13 (30 cents)
WHAT IS BEAUTY? This question has been pondered by many of the great philosophers--even the high courts of the land have had to consider it. In selecting pictures for a magazine, many editors consider it. When we lay out Physique Pictorial we try to keep it in mind, though we readily admit to our limited ability to always make the wisest choices. We also realize that many physique book editors may use an entirely different criteria than beauty, such as muscle size, or achievement, and we wouldn't want them to change their policy and are amazed if they would suggest To many beauty Is a symmetry we change ours. f form, a flowing of line, a perfection of type--to others it may be the variations and what some would coll dischordant notes that others abhor.
determine his "taste" In beauty, and that there are few if any absolutes
No one will argue that a person's background and training may that everyone will agree upon. To some (probably including all who take the trouble to read this book) the human body is one of the most beautiful things in creation, and to them every new position or infinite variation and combination with other bodies is a newfound delight. But to others the unclothed body is an ugly, repulsive thing, and should be kept hidden at all costs.
Who is right and who is wrong? Should it be really necessary to set up a definition? In our age of "enlightenment", should not every individual be able to determine for himself what will and will not please him. Yet there are forces constantly at work which attempt (and many times are successful) In putting the label of "obscene" on art displays that are a source of comforting beauty and Inspiration to others.
While some may believe passive resistance is the way to handle such cranks, a militant program against censorship such as is followed by American Civil Liberties Union 170 Fifth avenue New York 10 New York seems to us to be the most expedient barrier to having Big Brother take over and tell each of us what shall be his criterion for beauty. Your help and money is needed
RICHARD HARRISON at 20 6 ft 185 lbs (in small picture on right). You've probably
watched Dick on television a number of times. He was at the most active phase of his bodybuilding at the time we made these photographs, and though he has mode wonderful strides in his theatrical career in the last two years, we feel we were very lucky to catch him at the height of his physical perfection... AMG offers catalog XB13: 19 4x5 pages $1.90 which illustrate over 200 photos of Dick which can be individually ordered in larger sizes. Album XB: 12 4x5 dib-wt silk photos of Dick Harrison $2.50. Set of six Stereo
color slides $3.50 (we will include a stereo viewer free of charge with the slides if you do not already have one). (Free offer may be withdrawn 3 months after publication date). MOTION PICTURES OF DICK HARRISON: T6mm (137 ft) $8. 8mm (67) $5.
The movie shows Dick arriving at studio, in his levis, working out with weights in his strap, AMG. doing a few poses. Also some shots of him at the beach posing, relaxing. ***** *****
HAND MOVIE VIEWERS $5.95. (from AMG) Your 8mm movie of Dick Harrison will fit into this hand movie viewer, and you can watch Dick come to life right before your eyes! On 8mm films over 60 ft you will require two extra reels for each film (Reels 10c each).